

・エナジー数だけ報酬バトルが可能 ・バトルをするとWin Point(WP)を獲得 ・毎日7:00AM(JST)にWPに応じてOASをゲット




WPを獲得 バトルに勝利するとエナジーの数だけWPを獲得することができます。1勝でエナジー分のWPを獲得することが可能です。


毎日7:00AM(JST)にWPに応じてOASが分配されます。全体のWP数に応じてOASが分配されます。全体のWP数が1万で自分のWPが10、1日の配布OASが1000 OASだった場合は 「1000 × 10/10,000 = 1」で1OASが獲得できます。 Claimして獲得できるOASはTCG VerseのOASになります。



2024年1Q:1500 OAS / 1 Day 2024年2Q:1500 OAS / 1 Day

Flow of obtaining rewards

Reward battles are available as many times as the number of energy. Earn Win Points (WP) for each battle Get OAS according to your WP every day at 7:00AM JST.

Reward battles are available for the number of energy

NFTWars allows you to battle for rewards as many times as you have Energy.

Earn WP when you win

When you win a battle, you lose one Energy and gain one Win Point (WP). You will not earn WP if you battle with zero Energy.

Earning Rewards

OAS will be distributed according to WP every day at 7:00AM JST. OAS will be distributed according to the overall WP. The overall OAS distributed per day will be 1000. The amount of OAS distributed per day is subject to change due to campaigns and management decisions. You can get OAS for TCG Verse

Last updated