Sustainable Economy



NFTWarsではCryptoGamesの、Oasysチェーンのバリデーター報酬を原資としているいます。ユーザーの初期費用を原資としていないため、サステナブルなエコシステムを目指しています。 また、NFTWarsはNFTを直接販売していないプロジェクトのため、エコシステム安定のために報酬形態を運営判断で変更する可能性もございます。

$TCGC はTCGVerseの基盤となるトークンです。TCGVerseのガバナンス、TCGVerse上のゲームでのガバナンス、ゲーム内での使用が可能です。TCGCはBOBG ltd.が発行するトークンです。

In NFTWars, anyone who has an NFT of the linked project can play to earn by winning battles. Typical blockchain games require an initial fee, and the rewards that users can earn are funded by the initial cost. This makes it difficult to stabilize the ecosystem unless new players are added. NFTWars is funded by CryptoGames' Oasys chain validator rewards, allowing for the sustainable distribution of OAS to users. Since it is not funded by the user's upfront fees, it is a sustainable ecosystem.

In addition, since NFTWars is a project that does not sell NFTs directly, the form of compensation may be changed at the discretion of management to ensure the stability of the ecosystem. $TCGC Overview TCGC is the underlying token of TCGVerse Governance of TCGVerse, Governance in game on TCGVerse, Can be used in game. TCGC is a token issued by BOBG ltd.

Last updated